
到加拿大 Banff 玩耍的時候   不小心看到 Wine Shop 也要進去晃一晃低~~~
除了買幾瓶冰酒當作紀念品之外   也要順便物色當日晚餐的葡萄酒
就在我們留連於一堆酒瓶當中    我發現了一種鋁箔包裝的葡萄酒
名字叫做  French Rabbit (法國兔子)   總共出了四個主要的葡萄品種的包裝:
1) Pinot Noir (黑皮諾)
2) Cabernet Sauvignon (卡本內 ‧ 蘇維翁)
3) Chardonnay (夏多內)
4) Merlot (梅洛)

為什麼 French Rabbit 要採用看起來這麼便宜的包裝呢?
除了葡萄酒本身真的很便宜 (一瓶美金 $10 以內的 daily wine) 之外
從最原始的瓶身設計生產   一直到運輸、飲用,以及最後的垃圾回收
French Rabbit 還與 American Forests 合作
凡是賣出四瓶 French Rabbit 的葡萄酒
就會有一顆新樹   重新被種植於人為或環境破壞的地區

對於消費者有什麼好處呢?  其實很容易理解!
也是就  與玻璃瓶比較起來   French Rabbit 瓶身很輕  方便攜帶
而且也不需要軟木塞的開瓶器   更不用擔心玻璃瓶打破
不僅是去朋友家 Party   或是出外野餐    真的是 convenient 的不得了哩!


"One of the most popular Tetra Paks found in the market today is Boisset’s French rabbit, which really stands out on a shelf in their flashy, orange containers....So not only can consumers feel good about “going green” with their wine choices, French rabbit is practical to use and good value for their money (the 1 Liter package gives the consumer 33% more wine than a regular 750ml bottle)."
- "From bottles to boxes", Beverage Journal, 8-1-07

"The perfect companion for most trail meals is a box of French rabbit. That's right. No worries about broken (or heavy) glass, and the flavor of the pinot, cab, chardonnay and merlot stays remarkably crisp."
- "Editor's Note - In My Pack", Backpacker Magazine, August 2007

Best New Wine Product of 2006 - Beverage Industry Magazine

85 points - Top Values

"Well structured and fresh, with plum, berry and cherry flavors. Firm whack of tannins on the finish."
- Kim Marcus, Wine Spectator's Dining Guide, September 31, 2006

Gold Medal - Functional Innovation - French rabbit Family Reserve (Red and White)
2006 World Wine Championships Wine Packaging Competition, Beverage Tasting Institute

好吧!既然 French Rabbit 被稱讚成這樣的好  這樣的棒  好像很厲害的樣子?
本來看到價錢不是很想買來喝的   現在有點稍微被說服了
如果我在附近 local wine shop 有看到的話   可能買個 Pinot Noir 來喝喝看吧?
希望有喝過法國兔子的人   也能讓我們知道    我真的是非常好奇呢!


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